About me
Gong entered my life in 2018 when I took my first Gong bath and felt like I was coming home. That same year I threw myself into my greatest fear, which was to walk a small part of the Camino de Santiago alone, discovering along the way the first magical principle that is gratitude.
The practice of Hatha Radja Yoga allowed my search for the realization of the Self.
Graduated in psychology in 2000, I worked for 14 years in the family business. Later, my restless and awake mind and the vice for shoes (I don’t want to tell you how many I had and still have) led me to start a shoe business that has had me walking #HealthySexyWalk for more than 7 years.
When I know the Gong I decide that it can no longer leave my life and I start training in Sound Healing. I train with the greatest, Abby Delsol and Tom Soltron (musician and creator of the Tone of Life Gongs ). Jacomina Kistemaker, a pioneer of working with Tibetan bowls in Spain, is also among my teachers. In addition to Vikrampal Singh and Don Conreaux (direct disciple of Yogi Bhajan).
Meanwhile, my Hatha Radja Practice becomes a necessity. I have recently obtained the YTT certificate (200 hrs), from the hand of my teacher Andrei Ram , based on the traditional teaching of Yoga that allows me to start my path in teaching and continue exploring the infinite path of the Practice.
As I open doors of the unconscious, curiosity has led me to look for other methodologies that also help to heal the energetic, emotional and mental bodies, such as LNT ® and energetic cleansing.
I have finally found what makes my heart and my vision of life vibrate.
Nothing is immobile, everything moves, everything vibrates.
Third Principle of The Kybalion