We use a 100% natural treatment without side effects, or against indications or rebound effects, therefore the treatment allows you to lose weight and not regain it in the future. The treatment uses two methods to lose weight. Auriculotherapy and nutritional stage: Auriculotherapy is a derivative of acupuncture that uses a technique called acupressure, without using needles or penetrating the skin. Electromagnetic charged pellets are applied which are placed in the ear with adhesive patches. Auriculotherapy allows you to lose weight quickly, stimulates the metabolism, thyroid, dissolves fats. It also makes it easier to lose weight by reducing levels of anxiety, stress and appetite. The stages of feeding change according to the diagnosis and the consultations are supervised by a professional in the area of health and nutrition, depending on their nutritional needs and energy requirements. The results will not be seen the first month or the first 15 days, but within the first week of starting your food order.