General Concept of the Center
Santo Domingo Wellness Center is the first comprehensive functional medicine center with a direct focus on prevention, detection and correction of diseases using strategies based on lifestyle changes, nutrition, exercises and modification of genetic vulnerabilities.
The modern world forces us to constantly challenge our physiology, the chemical, physical and emotional toxicity to which we are exposed, alters the behavior of our cells, making our immunological battalion constantly on the alert for attack, which has increased to global level, the presence of multiple diseases, such as immunological, degenerative or measured by our genes.
Functional Medicine has as pillars: to detect, correct, optimize and educate, while conventional medicine detects and controls, a model that has failed over the years, but to which limitations have also been attributed that reduce the quality of life of patients. human beings
We are all different, genetically, mechanically and biologically speaking.
We all have the capacity for self-regulation that will depend on our biological balance
The human body reacts to any disease, with the intention of healing or preventing its progress
Health is not only the absence of disease, but a state of immense vitality.
Modern prevention uses biological tools based on our vulnerabilities as well as individual risk factors for each person, predetermined by our genetics. Our center has developed the necessary infrastructure to carry out the most modern and reliable prevention programs that represent a real benefit for our health.