Originally from Palenque, Dominican Republic. Entrepreneur, Systems and Computing Engineer, Master in Senior Management, Clinical Psychology student, training in the Diploma in Teaching Qualification. Kabbalista, student of Cosmobiology, Aikido and Biological Decoding of Fletcher.
Reconnective Healer and Reconnection . Doctor of Divinity from the Universal Life Church. Systemic Therapist, facilitator of Family Constellations, Systemic Coach for organizations, Reconstructive Method.
Founder of the Abraxas worldWide Foundation , Inc., Founder of the Kabbalah Study Group for Santo Domingo, Founder of cutting-edge technology companies in the field of Bar Codes and RFID, Pioneer in the use and implementation of Bar Codes and the RFID in the Dominican Republic. Motivational Speaker for companies. Creator of GIROS, Life Transform Method. Social work for women Actionem . Mother of three.
February, 2025
August 26,2019
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